Since I was a child I've always had this sensation of ants crawling on my arms, skin, etc.... It can also accompany alcohol withdrawal in alcoholics, along with delirium. Ants crawling sensation - Neurology - MedHelp Formication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The most severe alcohol withdrawals are called "delirium tremens. like flashes of light in my eyeballs; it felt like ants were crawling all over my skin.
Alcohol Withdrawals - What Is It Like to Go Through Alcohol.
Formication | Psychology Today
... similar to that of insects crawling over or within the skin. From the Latin formicare meaning to creep like an ant. peripheral nerves, and extreme alcohol withdrawal. ... that resembles that of insects crawling (tactile hallucination) on (or under) the skin.. the Latin word for ant.. It can also accompany alcohol withdrawal in.
Ants crawling on skin alcohol withdrawal Intermittent Crawling and Burning Sensation in a small area.